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is 3G going away

Is 3G going away? Yes, the rumors are true. Cellular networks are changing and beginning to prepare for the future. Many phone companies such as Version, T-Mobile, and At&t are planning to do away with 2G & 3G between 2021 and 2022. While that is far in the future, it is important to prepare now. If your fleet is still using devices that require older technology, you must act soon in order to avoid a poor mobile experience.

When Will 2G/3G Go Away?

Many Carriers are eager to do away with 2G and 3G networks so they can focus on repurposing users to support 4G LTE. Bigger and faster is the way of the future, and 2G & 3G are unfortunately unable to keep up. They both lack in speed, use a lot of storage, and are too costly to many carriers. 4G is more efficient and is capable on many more devices. The switch to newer 4G devices will offer fleet managers a faster and more reliable experience.

Some important dates to consider:

  • Verizon will sunset its CDMA network at the end of 2020.
  • AT&T has stated that sunset their 3G network in February of 2022 with the last date for phone activation on the 3G network being already past.
  • T-Mobile has not made a public statement regarding the date they plan to shutter their 3G network. However, many speculate T-Mobile will sunset their 3G networks sometime in 2020 or 2021.
  • The last activation date for 3G on the Sprint network was April 2019 and the Sprint 3G network will be shut down in December of 2022. ​

What it Means to You

An estimated 47.3 million people are affected by the loss of 2G/3G. This means devices that are only capable of 2G/3G service and not 4G, will no longer work in the near future. You must ensure your device and plan are capable with 4G. Thankfully not all OnTrak Solutions devices are affected by this, but the 3G shutdown is on way. If you believe you have an older OnTrak Solutions device that may lose support, please call for further assistance. The time to prepare is now.

Start Planning Now

Do not wait until it is too late. Nothing is worse than experiencing major disruptions by doing nothing or assuming it will not affect you. The disappearance of 3G networks is unavoidable as companies begin looking to the future. Keep an eye out for important dates and begin to prepare transitioning to a more flexible technology. OnTrak Solutions is prepared to assist you in transitioning to newer, better technology at reduced pricing.